Friday, 1 March 2013

Breadmaking adventure continues!

-Originally posted by me on January 11, 2013.

Bread making #2

Tonight was day three, so according to the instructions I threw out 1/2 of each starter. Then added 1/4 cup flour (sticking with the same as before) and 1/8 cup water.

When I was mixing them I noticed a few things. Liza is still very
stiff, but is gaining some elasticity...I'm debating adding quite a bit more water so the consistency is the same as the other two, but haven't decided yet. Of the three she smells the most pleasantly, which isn't saying much at the moment.

Both Maggie and Juliet have a strong cheesy, fermenting odor. I think Juliets is worse, but I'm not positive.

Juliet is definitely working away though, lots of bubbles, high elasticity...she's doing good.

Maggie got lots of bubbles today too, a little more brown liquid, but not as much as yesterday. She's gaining elasticity for sure.

I also noticed they had started rising!!! This is a major thing, since the last attempt was at nearly a week and no rise at all. All three starters rose, it seemed like Maggie rose most, and Liza least. I put marked tape on them tonight so I'll have a better idea of how well they're rising from now on.

Exciting things are happening! Pictures were taken and will be posted tomorrow.

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