Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Misadventures in Cookery

Well, after last weeks beginning and random crap uploads...on with the good stuff!

I'm sure everyone needs to read about someone else's misadventure - I know I always do - so here's the word of the week: Blah.

I was all excited last week so find an ad for a dehydrator online for CHEAP. $20. I thought "Hey, twenty bucks...I can afford that!" (ok, this was before the major vet bill on saturday, so forgive a little optimism) So, on Saturday I drove myself out to pick it up. Stony Plain is definitely farther than I thought it was.

On the way home I stopped to grab a few things to dehydrate, 'cause I wanted to get this thing running! Turns out it's a good idea to have some idea of what you want to dehydrate BEFORE you go to the store since I came home with:


Despite the fact that my favorite dehydrated food is apples...which somehow slipped my mind in the maze of an unfamiliar Safeway.

The rest of the day was a stressful, agravating, bloody (*sigh* I LIKE that vet Jitzu, don't make her bleed!), EXPENSIVE mess. So, needless to say by the time I returned home with one angry half-sedated cat (who also bled, to make things even) and one disgruntled but very good orange cat I was more than ready for some de-stress time in the form of cooking.

So, I sliced up my citrus, figuring what could be easier, and fired up the machine. Two hours later I rotated the trays - while battling off the two cats who were not still disgruntled and avoiding me - only to find those on the bottom tray were a bit...browner than they should be. I think.

A quick internet search later and I've realised that the dehydrator I procured has hot spots. Seriously!? Seriously. Oh well, I can just put the trays on 'backwards' and roate them that way every few hours while I'm also rotating them top to bottom. Doesn't seem like it's all that bad, right?

At the same time I decided to make up some fruit leather out of apple sauce and black berries. Turns out it was a good thing I did - more on that later. I also had a brainwave and connected the thing to a wall dimmer I happened to have handy. I dialed down the power a bit and hoped the rest wouldn't get too crisp.

A few more hours and another few rotations of awkward trays and I had finished about 1/2 the citrus I had cut...the rest began inhabiting the compost bin. Sentanced to decompose due to 'brown-ness' (read: I burnt it.)

Oh well, I shut off the machine for the night and decided to give it another go the next day. Prepped the soon-to-be beef/salmon jerky and went to bed.

The next day, armed with my marinated meats, I went to turn the dehydrator on and...nothing. NOTHING. After dissassembling it and poking about a bit I got a second opinion from the BF. Seems the lamp dimmer might have caused the fuse to blow...and since it's a cheap thing we can't locate the fuse to see if it's possible to replace it. Bottom line? Waste of $20.

The fruit leather turned out well though! Too bad we nommed it so darn fast!

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